
The Windermere Ready program helps to cover your clients’ repair and upgrade costs to maximize the value of their homes and make them more competitive on the market.

Your clients can upgrade now and pay after they sell.

A small upfront investment can yield a big payoff when selling a home. To help with that process, Windermere Ready provides the funds to cover the costs of things like painting, landscaping, cleaning, and staging.

Help your clients maximize the value of their listing.

Before applying, meet with your client to determine their home improvement budget by creating a list of projects with the highest return on investment. The NAR report below provides helpful guidance and insights into what improvements make the most impact.


Fast and easy application process

Quick approval and funding

Flexibility in who performs work

Clients can choose their contractors

Upgrade now, pay later

No payments due before closing

Maximize the home's value

Invest in projects that make the home stand out


Windermere Ready loan recipients receive up to $100,000 to pay for upgrades such as:

Cleaning services

Repairs and replacements

Painting and renovations


Staging services


Download NAR's Remodel Impact Report for guidance on remodel ROI.

This report provides data on which interior and exterior remodeling projects yield the highest return on investment. It's a helpful resource when working with your clients to determine the scope and budget for their Ready loan improvements.

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Ready marketing resources


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